
Concierge / Customer Service

Restaurant / Facilities Booking

In-room tablet integration

Connect with Whatsapp /
SMS / Email

Events information

​Room reservation

Check-in and check-out

Hotel facilities

​Loyalty Membership

Check-in and check-out
​Accessible via in-rooom tablet

Shopping Mall

Restaurant Reservations

A.I. Automated Carpark Fee Settlement

e - Ticketing for Restaurants

Market Agent

Correct with Whatsapp / SMS / Email

Concierge information

Shopping Directory

Interactive Games

Promotion & Rewards

​Loyalty Membership
Club House
Commercial Building

Shop Details
Reservation & Booking

A.I. Auto Car Park Redemption

Shopping Directory

Visitor registration via face or ID recognition

Emergency call to contact teachers or

Temperature checking or record

Library self-service

Virtual receptionist

Call or leave a voice message to teachers

Booking of venues

School directory


​Provide 24/7 Support & Quick Response

Information of Account Opening

e - Ticketing for Restaurants

Market Agent

Correct with Whatsapp / SMS / Email

Information Enquiry


Rates Query

Loan Service

Mortgages Service
Office Building

Visitor registration via face or ID recognition

Assist with parking and

Information of building services

Language translation

Greet visitors and provide directions

Schedule appointments and meetings

Recommendation of nearby shops

Book conference rooms



Route searching

Provide crowd information inside the train

Customized promotion

Passenger information


Information of nearby attractions

Safety alerts