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Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is the present.

Integrate Artificial Intelligence into your daily business operation to transform your business challenges into opportunities.



An AI-powered analytics system designed to be integrated with cameras CCTV to provide valuable insights for any target business.


Combines artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cameras and vision analytics to help you understand your business and customers.

Our Solutions 


Combines artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cameras and vision analytics to help you understand your business and customers.

AI Solutions 


Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Object Recognition

Customizable Attributes



Traffic Recognition

Number Plate Recognition


Man Street Sign
Man Street Sign

Motion Recognition


Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Facial Recognition

Facial Demographic

Emotion Recognition



Crowd Counting


Journey Mapping

Integrate AI into
your daily business operation

Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Facial Demographic

Analyse facial demographics - identify gender and estimate age.


Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Detect, Recognize and Gather information from facial images and videos. With our AI enabled solution, we will help you to detect faces, recognise faces from your image library and emotions/behavior, as well as gathering facial demographics information.

Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Emotion / Behavior recognition

Detect and recognize emotion and behavior.
Understand and analyse the emotion and behavior of a monitored crowd.

Artificial Intelligence

Facial Recognition

Recognize faces from your library of images. To perform facial matches to find target subjects. Identify people from images or videos real-time.



Detect and Recognise specific objects or products. Ablity to provide auto-tagging to supplement product information and the support to provide visual search with images.

Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence
Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Customizable attributes

Ability to support customizable atributes to enrich the recognition process.


Object Recognition

Recognize specific objects, products or items.



Man Street Sign

People or skeleton detection identifies people and their specific movements and motions. Our solution helps to detect a list of identified motions or movements to help with performance monitoring and tracking.

Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Motion Recognition

Recognise different body movements effectively. Able to detect a list of defined movements. Capable to customise movement detection.

Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Skeleton Detection

Detect the positioning of the human body, including head, shoulders, arms and other parts. This act as the basis of motion recogntion.



Vechicle number plate recognition, vehicle category type identification, and counting for traffic detection and management.

Cars Logo
car number plate 1

Traffic Recognition

Analyse the heatmap in a event or shop location. To identify which areas is the most visited in a confined space.

Customize 3

Number Plate Recognition

Identify the specific car category, such as 4 seaters, vans, and trucks. Ability to count the number of cars on the road or confined space.

Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence


Analyse the heatmap in a event or shop location. To identify which areas is the most visited in a confined space.


Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

The ability to estimate crowd size and analyze their journey maps can provide valuable information, to improve your understanding of customers’ behavior.

Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Journey mapping

Understand customer behavior by analysing their journey map in a event or shop location. Mapping out every step your user or customer takes.

Innocorn Technologies Artificial Intelligence

Crowd counting

Using computer vision algorithms to accurately analyze and estimate the number of people in a crowd.


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